With temperatures well into the 40's & 50's this winter I have been able to seal many basements with Hydro-Seal 75 that I normally could not due to cold surface temperatures during winter months. With no solvents, odors or fumes, Hydro-Seal 75 can be applied in basements or crawlspaces without opening windows, bulkheads and sliding doors, unlike all the single component basement coatings sold in home centers that are loaded with solvents & VOC's. By keeping windows and bulkhead doors closed you don't have to let the heat escape the area and you can maintain the 50 degree plus temperature.
You will need a surface temperature of 50 degrees to apply Hydro-Seal 75 to basement walls and floors. While a temperature right on 50 degrees is OK it is better to crank up the heat into the 60's to 70 to reduce drying time which will allow you to start applying your 2nd coat the same day.
I always like to finish my walls with 2 coats before I start applying Hydro-Seal 75 to the floors or floor perimeter, almost treating the floors and walls as two separate jobs.
While many contractors like to spray Hydro-Seal 75 with an airless sprayer I like to roll Hydro-Seal 75 out mixing 1 gallon at a time. With a 30 to 40 minute pot life I can roll out 1 gallon in 20 to 30 minutes no problem and as I run out my mixed gallon I have my helper mix another gallon so there is no down time. With spraying Hydro-Seal 75 there is down time required to flush out your gun with warm soapy water after 2 or 3 mixes. Then you have to dispose of your waste water.
When deciding what method of Hydro-Seal 75 application you want to use I always suggest rolling and brushing instead of spraying when working in basements. The exception would be old stone & mortar foundations with walls not smooth enough to allow rolling. To brush these by hand is very labor intensive and spraying is the obvious better choice.
Remember a 50 degree surface temperature is required to apply Hydro-Seal 75 so check the temperature of your walls & floor in the basement to get a head start on cleaning up and drying up your basement this Winter to get ready for a wet Spring. Don't wait, start planning your Hydro-Seal 75 application today. Call Northern Industries Inc @ 800 346 5543 or visit http://www.northerncoatings.com/
to buy Hydro-Seal 75 today.
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