
Hydro-Seal 75 For Sealing & Restoration of Concrete Cooling Towers

Concrete corrosion is an ongoing problem in concrete cooling towers in geothermal power plants.An epoxy  protective coating, like Hydro-Seal 75, offers  many benefits in this type of application over other coatings or leaving the concrete untreated.

Chemical Resistance:  Hydro-Seal 75 in a chemical resistant epoxy coating and will protect concrete from sulfuric acid degradation. As a result of acid attack, concrete loses some of its  structural integrity, making a chemical resistant epoxy coating like Hydro-Seal 75 and Hydro-Seal 75 Epoxy Mortar a great choice for sealing and restoration of these structures.

Dampness: These concrete surfaces are often damp from cooling water and Hydro-Seal 75 is very tolerant when applied to damp surfaces. A damp surface will allow the Hydro-Seal 75 to penetrate into the pores of the concrete much like a primer, curing deep in the surface of the substrate.

Application: Labor saving airless spray equipment, Graco 433 or equal, can be used to spray apply Hydro-Seal 75 on the large area, like concrete cooling towers, masonry block buildings & damp; chemical containment areas.

Restoration: Patching cracks, joints and deteriorated areas with Hydro-Seal 75 Epoxy Mortar is also a big plus. applicators can use Hydro-Seal 75 mixed with sand & cement to patch these imperfections and immediately coat over all patching without delay of waiting for a different patching material to dry prior to coating entire surface.

Conclusion: A two coat application would be required to completely seal and protect these concrete surfaces. The Hydro-Seal 75 application will resist water absorption, freeze/thaw weathering and erosion, chemical attack, will allow significant vapor transmission, will allow movement and flexibility and fill voids and porosity in the surface. In terms of overall performance, longevity of coating, ease of application, and cost, Hydro-Seal 75 protective coating system is a viable option for coating concrete cooling towers in geothermal power plants.

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